Three questions to ask when checking out a church

The journey to find a congregation where you (and your family) can connect with God and call home can be a challenging one. Growing up, I loved my church. I didn’t even know it was possible to have a “bad experience” at one until I went to college. Having said that, I also feel that…

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Do the hard things first

One of the principles I [try to] live by is to do the hard things on my agenda first. I do not abide by this every time: I’M HUMAN! However, I reap the benefits when I do. One area where I have recently slipped a bit in this department is in the realm of physical…

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25 Things I Am Praying For My Son

First things first, Lisa and I will be announcing the name of our boy on Father’s Day, so don’t miss it! Now to the post… the countdown for Baby B’s arrival is definitely winding down. If he arrives at his due date (which is a big “if”) we have just over 11 weeks until we…

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4 Keys To Managing Internal Tension

Anyone who has ever watched kids play happily has probably had the thought: “Wouldn’t it be great to go back to being a kid?” Oh to return to the days when our biggest stresses were who our best friend would be that year at school, what we would do with them over the summer, which…

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3 Lies Volunteers Believe

1. “I volunteer to fill a hole.” Here’s another way of phrasing this one: “Well, if you really need someone, I guess I can.” Imagine the impact we could make if joy exuded from everything we did. Joy can be difficult to share when we obligate ourselves into things that work against the grain of…

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7 Lessons Learned In 7 Years Of Marriage

Last Sunday was Lisa and I’s 7-year wedding anniversary. If you missed it, I surprised her with a special serenade on stage (watch the video here). In some ways, it feels like we have been married forever. At the same time, I feel we are just starting to really understand each other. In honor of…

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